King of the Castle….NOT!

So, I may have some of you thinking, “Yep, that title goes right along w/ the saying, ‘Behind every good man….” and at the same time nodding in silent agreement that we gals REALLY know who runs the household, right??

Well, I’m going to do a little spin here as I am referring not to the man of the house but to us gals as managers of our homes who THINK WE ARE KING!  Please remember that each of us has our own experiences and opinions but I found myself getting gently knocked off this particular pedestal the first week we were home following our fun RV adventure.

It wasn’t something that I noticed right away but was rather like a mild summer cold that slowly creeps up on you: first a little scratchy throat and a few sneezes. Then comes the ever so mild body aches and slight fever. Before you know it, you’ve been hit by a ton of bricks that started off as a few small pebbles.

In both situations, once I felt the symptoms, I didn’t like it!!

This ‘getting knocked off my pedestal’ syndrome presented itself through three simple words: “I’LL DO IT”. That was it! My internal reaction was the same as when those cold symptoms began to hit: ‘’ Oh, no you don’t” as I visualized my body’s defenses defeating the foreigners who were attempting to wreak havoc w/ my finely tuned and balanced machine!

That’s pretty much how it seemed when Buddy uttered those words in the kingdom I had been managing with such balance all these years! And the ironic part is that anyone from the outside would be correct in scolding me and saying, ‘You should be happy he is picking up more of the household tasks!’

But why was that not the case???

 So where does this feeling come from? Is it merely a territory thing or does it hit a more personal chord such as my feelings of competency? Either way, I have consciously chosen at this time to be silent and honor the many changes that Buddy is experiencing but not always communicating.

To me, it is a matter of ADJUSTING and the words of wisdom shared with me before Buddy’s retirement once again began to ring loudly in my ears: this adjustment involves both of us in different but connected ways.

Communication (and prayer!) can be a great healer. And I have a grateful heart to share the daily rhythms of life with my partner. It is both a blessing and a gift.




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