Here are some fun ways to help keep your brain active. The links can be accessed from each activity listed.  

Juggle      Juggling requires you to use your less dominant hand, so it stimulates your brain in ways it typically does not work.

Eat with chopsticks     Learn to use chopsticks and you will provide your brain with stimulation–and learn a new skill.

Read     Reading helps keep your mind sharp! Read new material and a variety of subjects to stimulate your thinking. You might also find the desire to learn a new skill or take a class from the information read.

Doodle     NPR explains how doodling helps the brain stay focused when you are engaged in mundane activities. Try doodling to keep your brain active.

Laugh     Laughing stimulates five different parts of your brain, so laugh often to help keep your brain from aging.

Switch hands     Doing regular activities in a different way keeps your brain working and active. Try using your less dominant hand for simple tasks like eating, brushing your teeth, or writing keep your brain young.

Practice using your memory     Make a list and try to recall it an hour later or draw a map of a new route you have taken to give your brain a memory workout that will help keep it strong.

One thought on “FUN FOR YOUR BRAIN!”

  1. I love how you’re exercising out brains by changing your website! Keeping me on my toes. Love the exercise suggestions too.

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