Life in Boxes

Buddy and I are moved in! It’s been a two and one half year adventure watching our first(and only) home building dream come to life. It is a true blessing to see the end result. And we finally get to see and touch personal items that have been in storage crates for what seems like forever! It’s a Christmas morning feeling… unboxing and unwrapping physical ‘history’ of lives together. It’s been a chorus of ohhh’s, awww’s, and ‘take a look at this’ exchanged between the two of us!

On that note, I would like to take a few moments to commiserate w/ all of you who have experienced moving to a new home. This can be a common life journey no matter what age; but seems a bit more trying and tiring as I’ve gotten older!

Stuff and Things

One of the first reasons is the natural process of collecting more stuff! How often a box of college papers or books, photos of people we can no longer name, or other memorabilia are taking up space and collecting dust in the back of a closet? And sadly, it may not even be our own box of life memories, but that of our children!  

Letting It Go

Lifting and lugging boxes, diving headfirst into the cardboard abyss, and hours of unwrapping paper around each precious item becomes a bit exhausting day after day… after day. Why do we hang on to ‘this or that’ after 20 years for it to again sit in a box collecting dust? Is it that difficult to JUST LET IT GO?? “But I might need it” or “the kids might be able to use this” is a common excuse running through our heads. First lesson, if it has sat in a box, on a shelf, or in the cabinet without using it in the past year, it is likely not needed! Second lesson- ask your children. They likely don’t want it or need it either!

The Sweet Side

Oh, but there is a tender and sweet side to all of this.  It feels great to unpack and unload! Clear out that clutter, simplify, and organize all the ‘stuff and things’ that are truly needed in life. This is therapeutic in both the practical and proverbial sense! It is an opportunity to give unnecessary items-no matter how big or small- to a non profit organization or outreach, friend or neighbor that could benefit from such generosity. And equally important, ‘the aww moments’ of finding the (cutest)baby picture, a hand made craft from your child’s kindergarten year, or old ice skates(and why have I kept them all these years?) that will catapult you back to a softhearted moment in time. It’s a sweet memory that sweeps you away from the cardboard and packing paper disaster looming in front of your eyes!

Buddy and I agree this will be our last move to a new home- at least within our control or mental faculties. We hope to enjoy our home with family and friends for many years. We are also so thankful to all who have been part of this crazy adventure!

To close, it’s both a new beginning and end of a dream come true! I may be dating myself, but Madeline Kahn’s “I’m So Tired’ song (and her facial expressions) comes to mind. The subtle sexual innuendos don’t really align with unpacking cardboard boxes, but the overall emotion still works. Enjoy! Blazing Saddles

7 thoughts on “Life in Boxes”

  1. Congratulations on finally getting toe enjoy the home you built together!! We look forward to that day when we get to visit you and see your beautiful new home.
    Carolyn & Boomer

  2. I’m glad you’re finally settled in. It has to be a great relief for both you and Buddy.
    I’m also glad you’re back to writing! You’ve been missed. ?

  3. Expressed beautifully De! I’m so happy that you’re finally moved in. Can’t wait to see your home, hopefully this summer!

  4. I’m so excited and happy for you and Mike to finally be in your dream home! God is so faithful! I was just telling Eric the other day how much I loved your house in San Juan Capistrano and the upgrades you did with the pool, kitchen, etc but was so pleased you could leave that rat race and go to Idaho to just reset and relax. A new chapter! Hoping some of your kids will move your way too so you can love and enjoy those grandbabies. Let me know when you are settled and we can schedule a visit 🙂 By the way… did they ever find the other leg to your piano? And are you going to set it up in the new house? Ok bye for now…sending my love and blessings. Miss hearing your sweet voice and us around the piano. Xo

  5. I loved reading about your unpacking and memories. It’s so true that we hang on to things, perhaps for memories that can’t be replicated. Enjoy your new and beautiful home!

  6. I am beginning to think about downsizing which of course means going through everything and purging as you mentioned. It’s an emotional thing to do. Our stuff, the kids stuff, and even some of my Mom’s stuff … How do you let go? It’s difficult. Best of luck in your new adventure De!! Love ya?

  7. I am beginning to think about downsizing which of course means going through everything and purging as you mentioned. It’s an emotional thing to do. Our stuff, the kids stuff, and even some of my Mom’s stuff … How do you let go? It’s difficult. Best of luck in your new adventure De!! Love ya.

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