Being Less Stupid

‘Being less stupid’ for November’s National Game and Puzzle Week

A few weeks back there was a great article in the newspaper, “My aging brain makes me feel less stupid” that was BOTH fun to read and very informational. This essay is from Patricia Marx book (it will listed on my soon to be live Resources page). She is a former ‘Saturday Night Live’ writer and New Yorker staffer. I have included the link so that you can enjoy the entire article.

LA Times article

Patricia Marx is addressing Alzheimer Disease and describes some of the same crazy senior moment questions we all seem to have: “Now where did I leave my glasses?” (HOW MANY TIMES have they been found to be sitting so perfectly perched on the top of our heads?!)

According to Alzheimer’,, did you know…
Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S.
Every 67 seconds someone develops Alzheimers.
Almost two thirds of Americans with the disease are women.

The article referenced above sheds light on a very real and potentially frightening reality for those we love or even for ourselves. One of the best actions is to be proactive in a variety of ways for both our physical and mental health!

I hope you have enjoyed the recent posts and are embracing a new love and respect for the world of games and puzzles!


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