Knowledge is Power!

In my early years as a health care professional, I saw a plaque on my manager’s desk that I’ve never forgotten:  KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

This phrase struck a true chord for me as this was foundational in my college education and professional training.  Little did I know at that time, it would also have so much meaning in caring for others as well as in my own personal life!

Whether we live in our ‘heart’ or ‘head’ space when it comes to decision making and actions, book knowledge or experience(how we also can gain knowledge- sometimes easy and sometimes not so much!) helps that process.

So now I am passing this bit of knowledge along to you!  Let the information from this link percolate through you. Think about it, talk it over with a friend, or write something  here. Most importantly, apply what works for you as part of your Retirement wife journey. Happy travels!

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