Wash It Away…

… and help keep yourself and others healthy

Did you know the beginning of December kicks off ‘National Handwashing Awareness’ week? 

In the current state of our world, this basic information can be live saving for some and a definite health benefit for all! A few high points for effective handwashing include: 1. getting a good lather 2. washing the palms, back of hands, and between fingers and fingernails, and 3. do this for at least 20 seconds. Finish up w/ drying your hands on a clean towel.  Or, remember it by…

Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry

Keeping you Healthy

Washing hands has long been determined to be one of the best ways of minimizing the spread of illness. There are a number of ways to help keep us healthy in the cold and flu season. Some suggestions include: avoid/minimize time in large crowds during the high risk season, keep our hands away from our face, eat well to boost our immune system, and get a good night’s sleep. The CDC also recommends getting the flu and pneumonia vaccines. Be sure to talk with your health care provider if these recommendations are right for you. 

Keeping Others Healthy

If you are not feeling well, it is best to stay home! Do the ‘Superman’ when you sneeze(sneezing into your upper arm) instead of sneezing into your hands. Or use a tissue and immediately throw it away. Do the fist bump or ‘air’ hand shake when greeting others. And remember to wash your hands- FREQUENTLY!

Being ill is no fun and you can make a difference in keeping yourself and others healthy. Keep on making those soap bubbles!

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