National Cookie Day

Our country will celebrate one of the sweetest days on December 4th… plate-of-cookiesLets raise our wooden spoons and spatulas to National Cookie Day! According to, our English word, cookie, was derived from the Dutch work ‘koekie’, which means ‘little cake’.

It is likely that cookies had their origin in the Middle East when sugar became a regular staple in food preparation. All levels of European society enjoyed the benefits of cookies around the 14th century and America followed in the 1600’s.

There are a number of cookie categories, from Bar cookies to Pressed, No Bake or Sandwich cookies. And if you for some reason miss baking or eating your favorites on National Cookie Day, you can take the opportunity to make it up on National Oatmeal(April 30th), Pecan(September 21st)or National BakeCookies Day(December 18th).

In some other regions outside of the U.S. the word ‘biscuits’ is still used when speaking about cookies. I prefer ‘cookie’ as biscuit just doesn’t sound sweet enough and conjures up the image of a doggie treat in my mind!


But if you want yet another day to celebrate the biscuit, then ….. for our beloved canine friends, this day is for you!





Whether it was the Blue Chip Cookie Company or The Cookie Monster who proclaimed the start of National Cookie Day, we can take this day to enjoy a smattering of our most delectable treats!!cookie-monster



The Celebration continues…NATIONAL DAYS IN APRIL

As we continue to celebrate fun and important National Days this month, there are also some upcoming days that consider more attention. Of course we cannot forget National Tax Day on the 15th! And National Healthcare Decisions Day will be celebrated on April 16th(along with that all important ‘Wear Your Pajamas to Work’ Day)! *

Other important days include National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day on April 19th **, National Earth Day on April 22nd ***, and National Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day on April 28th ****. But depending on your interests or past times, there are many other celebratory days during the remainder of this month that are worth mentioning or just plain entertaining:

April 13th      National Peach Cobbler Day and National Scrabble Day
April 14th:       National Reach as High as You Can Day
April 15th:       National Take a Wild Guess Day(hmmmm….) and
National Day of Silence (shhh…)
April 16th      *
April 17th:       National Cheeseball Day and National Haiku Poetry Day
April 18th      National Animal Crackers Day(still love to eat these!)
April 19th      **
April 20th:       National Cheddar Fries Day(what fast food restaurant where you live makes the best ones??) and National Look Alike Day(are you twins?)
April 21st:       National Kindergarten Day and National High Five Day(third Thursday in April). I think it’s worth mentioning it is also National Have a Poem in Your Pocket Day(Roses are Red, Violets are Blue…)
April 22nd:      ***
April 23rd:       National Lost Dogs Awareness Day, National Picnic Day, National Take a Chance Day, and National Talk Like Shakespeare Day(you may want to ‘take a chance’ and talk like Shakespeare today!!)
April 24th:       National Pigs in a Blanket Day(I guess it can be the cabbage or dessert variation)
April 25th      National DNA Day, National Hug a Plumber Day, and National Telephone Day
April 26th:       National Help a Horse Day, along with National Kids and Pets Day and National Pretzel Day
April 27th:       National Babe Ruth Day, National Prime Rib Day, and National Tell a Story Day(giving everyone the right to use the lead in, “Have I ever told you the story about…..”)
April 28th:       ****
April 29th      National Arbor Day, National Zipper Day, and National Hairball Awareness Day (aware of this day with three cats in the house!)
April 30th      National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day(YES!), National Bugs Bunny Day, National Hairstylist Appreciation Day, National Honesty Day(can we celebrate this every day?), National Kiss of Hope Day, and National Oatmeal Cookie Day( one of Cookie Monster’s favorite days!)





Celebrating April

I have often wondered where the celebration of April Fools Day originated and found some interesting(but somewhat vague) information. Some believe the day is celebrated in honor of the trickery Mother Nature plays on us this time of year with her unpredictable weather. I have also read that the earliest reference to this day of potential pranking started back in the 1300’s- being noted in the Gregorian calendar. April Fool’s Day is also mentioned in Britain’s Gentlemans Magazine back in 1776!  That certainly leaves for a few centuries of tom foolery!

April is also the month we celebrate National One Cent Day, Find a Rainbow Day and Hug a Newsperson Day! We have missed National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day(April 2nd) but not to worry….National Caramel Day and Deep Dish Pizza Day is April 5th!! You can also wait and celebrate National Carmel Popcorn Day or even better yet, National Sorry Charlie Day on April 6th.
Who thinks of these things??? 

One National Day to consider celebrating this month is on April 6th:  National Walking Day.  So I have decided to list the 10 top reasons for walking, according to

1. Walking prevents type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program showed that walking 150 minutes per week and losing just 7% of your body weight (12-15 pounds) can reduce your risk of diabetes by 58%.

2. Walking strengthens your heart if you’re male. In one study, mortality rates among retired men who walked less than one mile per day were nearly twice that among those who walked more than two miles per day.

3.Walking strengthens your heart if you’re female. Women in the Nurse’s Health Study (72,488 female nurses) who walked three hours or more per week reduced their risk of a heart attack or other coronary event by 35% compared with women who did not walk.

4. Walking is good for your brain. In a study on walking and cognitive function, researchers found that women who walked the equivalent of an easy pace at least 1.5 hours per week had significantly better cognitive function and less cognitive decline than women who walked less than 40 minutes per week. Think about that!

5. Walking is good for your bones. Research shows that postmenopausal women who walk approximately one mile each day have higher whole-body bone density than women who walk shorter distances, and walking is also effective in slowing the rate of bone loss from the legs.

6. Walking helps alleviate symptoms of depression. Walking for 30 minutes, three to five times per week for 12 weeks reduced symptoms of depression as measured with a standard depression questionnaire by 47%.

7. Walking reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer. Women who performed the equivalent of one hour and 15 minutes to two and a half hours per week of brisk walking had an 18% decreased risk of breast cancer compared with inactive women. Many studies have shown that exercise can prevent colon cancer, and even if an individual person develops colon cancer, the benefits of exercise appear to continue both by increasing quality of life and reducing mortality.

8. Walking improves fitness. Walking just three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly increase cardiorespiratory fitness.

9. Walking in short bouts improves fitness, too! A study of sedentary women showed that short bouts of brisk walking (three 10-minute walks per day) resulted in similar improvements in fitness and were at least as effective in decreasing body fatness as long bouts (one 30-minute walk per day).

10. Walking improves physical function. Research shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in older persons.