
The window to the soul isn’t made with glass that breaks. It’s created with compassion, the healer of heartache. Angie Welland-Creaty

I’m not sure about you, but I have read plenty of ‘2020 no more’ or ‘2020…is it over yet?’ How many memes have we seen that express our feelings of the past year?

Our struggles

No doubt, there is more than enough Covid info to reflect upon from 2020. Illness and isolation is overwhelming. The impact on livelihoods, businesses, and the economy has crushed many. Struggling health care workers and hospitals trying to keep up are emotionally and physically exhausted. But there are also incredible stories survival, of incredible resilience, and unselfish responses to a humanity in need.

Our personal experience

For some, the effect on daily life this past year pales in consideration to what has been personally experienced. How many reading this post may have been ill, have witnessed or cared for sick family members or friends? And the most tragic of all, the loss of a loved one. Yes, 2020 has been like no other. 

Because of this, I do not have any right to share a personal litany of reflections about 2020. It would be much too narrow minded. I cannot do justice to the personal experiences of millions of Americans and others around the world who have personally experienced the effects of Covid.  

Looking forward while looking back

Rather, I carry in my heart and mind the endless displays of humanity that have been shared via the media this past year. Listed below are just a few. Watch and read, smile and be heartened by the good that continues to rise above even the darkest of days.

The many hands our health care providers have held and smiles shared through the tears:

The signs held, music played, and voices singing to faces behind paned windows:

Busy hands and bodies packing and distributing food to those in need:

Restaurants and workers serving and delivering dinners to those on the front lines:

And, international stories of hope and resilence:

National Game and Puzzle Week

So part of this whole retirement thing- whether experienced personally or walking alongside your mate – is the reality that we are not getting any younger.  And along with that comes a few(more) gray hairs, aches and pains, and the spontaneous ‘senior moments’.

I have often found that humor is good medicine for a lot of things and I have had many a good chuckle AT MYSELF when forgetting why I went to the refrigerator, the inability to get that darn word out of my brain and into my mouth, or stumbling through an introduction that includes a long time friend.


Maybe you have had some similar experiences or have noticed such ‘moments’ in your mate. Either way, it can be a little scary, frustrating or sometimes just plain embarrassing! I would encourage all of you with any concerns to talk with your health care provider. It is extremely important to evaluate the ‘normal changes of aging’ versus a health condition that may require further medical attention.

For the sake of my blog title, I will be focusing on a few tidbits of information and resources this week that I have found to be educational, mentally stimulating and downright entertaining!


Stay tuned for more posts that includes game links and suggestions to keep our brains mentally sharp! And to celebrate upcoming National game and puzzle week, enjoy some games this week with family or friends and continue the fun in 2016! Your brain will love you for it!



King of the Castle Part II …….. and dirty laundry!

I did mention something about choosing to keep silent in my last post, didn’t I? Well, not long after that, I made a conscious choice of deciding to speak up and maintain some healthy boundaries for myself.

And yep, you guessed it- I spoke up over a load of dirty laundry!

I had a couple of short solo trips following our summer adventures and was playing catch up on work and home tasks before heading out of town once again. I had my ‘to do’ list neatly organized in my head: what needed to be taken care of before leaving and also planning ahead once I returned home.

Well, didn’t that list just get a big NOT put in front of it when Buddy surprised me by doing some laundry while I was gone. A little fun fact that my children had learned during their college years: Mom likes(well, actually insists upon) doing all the laundry!

I acknowledge the importance of fostering the transition from teenager to adulthood and independence!! But I also found a weird sense of accomplishment and ‘Momness’ when the kids’ clothes once again smelled like a fresh rainforest during their visits home from college.

So, when I returned home from my trip with my dirty jeans and getting ready to ‘make a full load’ –we are in the midst of much needed water conservation- and WHAT?? … clothes in the laundry basket waiting for me!

This really isn’t a story about dirty laundry(literally!) but more about setting healthy boundaries. Now you might think I’m really stretching a story here; but in all reality, the clothes provided a good opportunity for a communication moment that extended well beyond the laundry room!

It was healthy for me to speak up and share that I both appreciated and understood Buddy’s motivation to help and needing to be productive. I also expressed the importance of communication in what each of us expected with this new division of labor following Buddy’s retirement.

But…. laundry will forever fall under my job description in this castle!!




Knowledge is Power!

In my early years as a health care professional, I saw a plaque on my manager’s desk that I’ve never forgotten:  KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

This phrase struck a true chord for me as this was foundational in my college education and professional training.  Little did I know at that time, it would also have so much meaning in caring for others as well as in my own personal life!

Whether we live in our ‘heart’ or ‘head’ space when it comes to decision making and actions, book knowledge or experience(how we also can gain knowledge- sometimes easy and sometimes not so much!) helps that process.

So now I am passing this bit of knowledge along to you!  Let the information from this link percolate through you. Think about it, talk it over with a friend, or write something  here. Most importantly, apply what works for you as part of your Retirement wife journey. Happy travels!